There are many of these chemical messengers but today you are going to learn about the three that drive almost every decision you make! These brain chemicals are the “WHY” behind all of your behaviors, the drive behind what you call instincts and base desires. They drive almost every decision you make!
Consider these brain chemicals like a light switch in a room. Different rooms control different moods. (I know you have a lot more than three moods; I am referring to three categories of mood.) When you feel a certain way, you will be able walk down the hall and see which light went out (brain chemical) in what room—and then you will know what to do to get it turned back on.
#worry #stress #depression #helpfodepression #helpforanxiety #stopstressing #behappy #happiness #happiness #angerfree #moodiness #amygdala #dopamine #serotonin #oxytocin #feelbetter #stopworrying #anger #stressfree #conflict #arguing #keepthepeace
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